English for Govt. Jobs

Government jobs are now one of the most lucrative career options for the youths of our country. But for many students weakness in English becomes an obstacle to reach this goal. Enroll in this course today to overcome this difficulty and make your journey easier towards securing a government job!


এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে


Total Enrolled 135


Time Required 15 hours


35+ Videos


35+ Lecture Sheets


5 Complete Model Tests (Upcoming)

Course instructors

Instructor Shahnawaz Hossain Jay

Shahnawaz Hossain Jay

University of Sussex, UKEnglish Subject Matter Expert, 10 Minute School

What you will learn by doing the course

  • Smart strategies to prepare yourself for the English section of job exams
  • How to master English grammar for government job exams
  • Easy tips and tricks to remember English literature
  • How to get over your fear of English through regular practice
  • How to understand difficult English questions and answer them correctly

Course details

This ‘English For Govt. Jobs’ course is for:

  • Those who want to prepare for government job exams after completing their undergraduate or graduate studies
  • Those who want to perform better in the English section of preliminary or written job exams
  • Those who want to clear out their confusion in different sections of English grammar and literature
  • Those who want to build a strong foundation in English, in order to do well in job exams
  • About the ‘English For Govt. Jobs’ course:

    The biggest challenge a student faces after completing their undergraduate studies is finding a job with a decent salary and reputation. It has been observed that students who are good at English usually stay ahead of their competitors in different job exams. The main reason behind this is that, it is now quite difficult to answer English questions in job exams without having a strong grasp of English grammar. English literature questions that appear in the BCS preliminary exam are also quite difficult for students to answer. In order to help students get over these difficulties and perform better in government job exams, 10 Minute School brings to you the ‘English for Govt. Jobs’ course.

    Despite having tremendous potential, many candidates fail to secure a government job due to their weakness in English. Again, since students have to study a lot of subjects while preparing for job exams, it becomes very hard for them to find the time to improve their basics in English. This course will allow you to clear out your issues regarding English grammar and literature from the comfort of your home through online classes, quizzes and notes.

    Enroll in this course today to ensure your complete preparation for the English section in government job exams!

    Course details

    • ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ (ওয়াইফাই বা মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট)

    • স্মার্টফোন অথবা পিসি

    Payment process

    কীভাবে পেমেন্ট করবেন তা বিস্তারিত জানতে এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন

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