English Grammar Crash Course
English Grammar Crash Course
এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে

Total Enrolled 18074

Time Required 25 hours

100 Videos

100 set Quiz

100 Notes

Course Validity Lifetime
এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে

Total Enrolled 18074

Time Required 25 hours

100 Videos

100 set Quiz

100 Notes

Course Validity Lifetime
Course instructor

Sakib Bin Rashid
Principal Specialist, 10 Minute School
University of Dhaka
How the course is laid out

২৫ ঘণ্টায় ইংরেজি গ্রামারের উপর দখল
ঘরে বসেই মাত্র ২৫ ঘণ্টায় মুক্তি মিলবে জটিল ইংলিশ গ্রামারের রুলসগুলো থেকে

১০০টি উদাহরণভিত্তিক ভিডিও লেকচার
সহজ টেকনিকে এবং প্র্যাকটিকাল উদাহরণের মাধ্যমে ইংলিশ গ্রামার নিয়ে আলোচনা

লেসনভিত্তিক ১০০টি লেকচার শিট
প্রতি লেসন শেষে রয়েছে চ্যাপ্টারভিত্তিক Detailed নোটস

লেসনভিত্তিক ১০০ সেট কুইজ
সবশেষে রয়েছে কুইজ-এর মাধ্যমে নিজেকে যাচাই করা সুযোগ
What you will learn by doing the course
- English grammar with practical examples without memorizing any grammar rules.
- Fluently speaking and writing in English without any grammatical errors.
- Easy techniques to score well in school-college English exams and overcoming the fear of English grammar in the admission tests.
- Ways to avoid basic English grammar mistakes while talking to anyone.
- A clear idea about constructing sentences in English using basic English grammar.
Course details
About The English Grammar Crash Course
About The English Grammar Crash Course
All of us have struggled with memorizing the English Grammar rules at some point. So, to relieve students from this traditional method, 10 Minute School has come up with this ‘English Grammar Crash Course’ to help them become adept at English grammar with simple techniques and practical examples.
This course will help you strengthen your basic English grammar resulting in good scores on any English test. Even in university admission tests, students are required to get a minimum mark in English in order to get selected. So, being good at English grammar is a must for students of all levels.
The materials of this course have been designed in a way that will enable students to apply their grammar knowledge in real-life situations without recalling any grammatical rules. In addition to basic English grammar such as Noun, Pronoun, Article, Right Forms of Verbs, Tense, etc, advanced English grammar topics such as Modals, Subjunctives, Inclusives, Redundancies etc. are also taught in this course with easy-to-follow techniques.
Moreover, being proficient in English grammar will also build a strong foundation for your Spoken English. So, without further ado, enroll today to become more confident in your English grammar skills and start following this course to master English Grammar without complex grammatical rules.
Who is this English Grammar Crash Course for?
Who is this English Grammar Crash Course for?
Students opinion
Course details
ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ (ওয়াইফাই বা মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট)
স্মার্টফোন অথবা পিসি
Payment process
কীভাবে পেমেন্ট করবেন তা বিস্তারিত জানতে এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন