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এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে
এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে
Every year, many students at Secondary and Higher Secondary levels do not get their expected grades in English. Most students who perform poorly on English tests lack proficiency in English writing, resulting in poor marks in the paragraph and essay writing section. This has a severe impact on their university life and career as well.
Have you ever wondered why students do not score the minimum requirements in English every year in university entrance exams? Many students fall behind in these highly competitive exams because they cannot organize their thoughts and write meaningful sentences in English. To help these students and show them how to improve English writing skill, 10 Minute School has brings to you the “English Writing for Students” course as a simple guideline.
This English Writing course will help those who want to perform well in academic or competitive admission tests to learn grammatically correct and error-free English writing. This course starts at a fundamental level, teaching the student how to form a sentence and gradually addresses appropriate grammar rules, including tense, parts of speech, and voice. After completing this English Writing course, you will be able to construct paragraphs and essays easily.
So enroll today to learn how to improve English writing skill and become an English Writing hero!
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