HSC 25 ফাইনাল রিভিশন লাইভ

HSC 2025 batch students, your exam is knocking at the door! To get into your dream university, securing 90% marks in the HSC exam is crucial. Now is the time for the best final preparation. Instead of stressing out, the smartest approach is to revise important topics and go through key suggestions in a structured way. But the question is, where can you find the best suggestions? Or how should you revise? No worries! 

To guide you through this, 10 Minute School has brought the HSC 25 Final Revision Live Course, where top instructors will conduct live classes and provide comprehensive subject-wise suggestions to ensure your best preparation for the exam!


এই কোর্সে যা থাকছে


Total Enrolled 57


২৯টি লাইভ ক্লাস


২৯টি বিষয়ভিত্তিক পূর্ণাঙ্গ সাজেশন

Course instructors

What you will learn by doing the course

  • Effective revision techniques for important topics
  • Concise review of essential formulas, theories and problem-solving methods
  • Time management strategies for the exam
  • Quick tricks for solving MCQs quickly

Course details

Who this course is for

  • Students who will sit for the HSC exam in 2025
  • Those who have organized their HSC syllabus but are looking for a complete revision program
  • Students who have gaps in their HSC exam preparation
  • Those who are aiming to achieve high marks and want to secure GPA-5
  • Students looking to perform well in both written and MCQ sections of the exam

What you will receive from this course

  • 29 live classes
  • Complete subject-specific suggestions
  • Each class will be 3 hours long. During the class, the most important and exam-oriented CQ, MCQ and Board questions will be solved.

How will the course prepare you?

  1. Classes will cover important topics and questions for the exam
  2. Special classes will be available for Science, Business Studies and Humanities students
  3. Along with classes, detailed suggestions will be provided for each subject to ensure the best HSC results. The suggestions will include important chapters,
  4. MCQs and CQs—all structured for easy understanding
  5. Students will learn expert tips and time management strategies to maximize their preparation before the exam

About the Course

For those of you appearing for the HSC exam in 2025, you are probably nearing the end of your syllabus. Even if you haven't completed it, you must have covered a significant portion. Since your syllabus is almost complete, you will surely need a revision program. And for those who haven’t completed the syllabus, a comprehensive revision program is necessary to ensure thorough preparation from start to finish. That's why, for everyone, 10 Minute School has introduced HSC 25 Final Revision Live Course that will help you fill any gaps in the syllabus and through repeated revisions, prepare you to achieve 100% readiness before the HSC exam.
If you look at the statistics of previous HSC exams:
1. In 2024, GPA-5 achievers: 1,45,911
2. In 2023, GPA-5 achievers: 92,595
3. In 2022, GPA-5 achievers: 1,76,282
4. In 2021, GPA-5 achievers: 1,89,169
The pass rate has remained consistent. In 2024, the GPA-5 count spiked due to automatic passes in some subjects; otherwise, it would have been lower than the number of 2023. This shows that, as the syllabus gets more comprehensive, the number of GPA-5 achievers decreases. Since the HSC 2025 exam will also be based on the full syllabus, the number of GPA-5 achievers is likely to drop further. Therefore, without proper preparation, performing well in the exam will become increasingly difficult.
The preparation for the HSC exam is not only for the HSC exam itself but the preparation will also determine the university admission test. If you want to do well in the university admission test, then just three months of study will not be enough. For this, adequate preparation for college life itself is necessary. That is why, it is important to learn the key subjects from the very basics, so that students' fundamentals become strong, enabling them to do well not just in the HSC, but also in the university admission test without any worries. 

Final Words

If you are an HSC 2025 examinee, there is no alternative to this course for your final preparation. It will cover everything from the very basics to advanced topics. As a result, you will be able to cover your entire syllabus with just one Free course.
So, why are you waiting? Join our HSC 25 Final Revision Live Course now and start 100 out of 100 preparation with 10 Minute School!

Course details

  • ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ (ওয়াইফাই বা মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট)

  • স্মার্টফোন অথবা পিসি

Payment process

কীভাবে পেমেন্ট করবেন তা বিস্তারিত জানতে এই ভিডিওটি দেখুন

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