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English Literature: Jacobean, Caroline, Restoration Period

The Jacobean Period (1603-1625):

King James-এর নামে এই যুগের নামকরণ করা হয়। King James-কে The Wisest Fool বলা হয় কারণ তিনি নিজেকে ঈশ্বরের প্রতিনিধি মনে করতেন। Jacobean Period-এর শেষের ৫ বছর Puritan Period (1620-1660)-এর অন্তর্ভুক্ত।

Metaphysical Poets of this Age and their Works:

Name of the Poet Title and Pen Name Notable Works
John Donne Titles:

  • Father of Metaphysical poets
  • Poet of Love
Famous Book: An Anatomy of the World

Famous Poems:

  1. The Good Morrow
  2.  The Sun Rising

Famous Quotes:

1.  “I wonder by my truth, what thou and I did we” (The Good Morrow)

2. “For love, all love of other sights control and make a little room an everywhere.” (The Good Morrow)

Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) Famous Poems:

  1. To His Coy Mistress তাঁর শ্রেষ্ঠ কবিতা। 
  2. The Definition of Love
Henry Vaughan (1621-1695 Famous Poems:

  1. Mount of Olives
  2.  The Chemist’s Key
George Herbert (1593-1633) Title: Religious Poet Famous Poems:

  1. The Collar
  2. The Easter Wings
Cowley (1618-1667) পুরো নাম: Abraham Cowley Poem : Constantina Philetus

Famous Quote:  “Life is an incurable disease”

The Caroline Period:

ইংরেজি সাহিত্যে Caroline Period বলতে রাজা Charles I এর রাজত্বকালকে বুঝায়।

Poets of Caroline Period and their Notable Works:

Name of the Poet Title and Pen Name Notable Works
Robert Herrick (1591-1674) The greatest Cavalier Poet Famous Poems

  1. To Daffodils
  2. Delight in Disorder

Famous Quotes: 

  • Fair Daffodils, we weep to see
  • You haste away so soon

Other Writers of this age:

  • George Herbert (1593-1633)
  • John Milton (1608-1674)
  • Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
  • Henry Vaughan (1622-1695)

The Commonwealth Period(1649-1660):

ইংরেজী সাহিত্যে The Commonwealth Period-কে অরাজকাল বা Puritan interregnum বলে। কারণ ১৬৪৯ সালে রাজা প্রথম চালর্সকে শিরশ্ছেদ করা হয়।

Writers of the Commonwealth Period and their Notable works:

Name of the Writer Title and Pen Name Notable Works
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) Thomas Hobbes is the ‘Father of Modern Political Philosophy’ বিখ্যাত বই – The Leviathan
Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667) Famous prose:

  1. Holy Living
  2. Holy Dying

Neoclassical Age (1700-1750):

The Restoration Period, The Augustan Period, The Age of Sensibility – এই তিন যুগকে মিলিয়ে Neoclassical Age বলা হয়।

  • Samuel Richardson-কে First English Novelist বলা হয়।
  • প্রথম English Dictionary Samuel Johnson দ্বারা রচিত হয়।

Famous Writers of this Age:

  1. Dr. Samuel Johnson
  2. Henry Fielding
  3. Tobias Smollett
  4. Edmund Burke
  5. Oliver Goldsmith
  6. Thomas Gray
  7. William Blake
  8. Adam Smith
  9. Alexander Pope
  10. Samuel Richardson
  11. Joseph Adison
  12. Danielle Steel
  13. Jonathan Swift
  14. Daniel Defoe

The Restoration Period (1660-1700):

Restoration means the Restoration of Monarchy.

Famous Writers of the Restoration Period and their Notable works:

Name of the Writer Title and Pen Name Notable Works
John Milton (1608-1674) Titles:

  1. Epic Poet
  2.  A great master of verse in the Puritan Period.

  1. Paradise Lost
  2. Paradise Regained

Famous Elegies:

  1. Lycidas (লিসিডাস)
  2. Song of Shakespeare
John Dryden Father of Modern English Criticism Famous work:

  1. All for Love (a heroic tragedy)
  2. Absalom and Achitophel (a poetic political satire)
William Congreve (1670-1729) Famous plays:

  1. The Way of the World
  2.  Love for Love
John Bunyan Famous Books:

  1. The Pilgrim’s Progress
  2. The Holy War

Famous quote:

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than words without a heart.” 

Samuel Butler Famous work: Hudibras
John Locke Father of Modern Democracy Famous Book: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
William Wycherley (1640-1716) Famous Books:

  1. The Country Wife
  2. Love in a Wood
Aphra Behn Famous Books:

  1. The Rover (comedy)
  2. Oroonoko (a prose fiction)
George Farquhar Famous Books:

  1. The Recruiting Officer
  2. The Beaux’s Stratagem
Thomas Otway Famous Books:

  1. The Orphan
  2. Venice Preserved