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1st Conditionals If  + Present simple + Future simple
2nd Conditionals If  + Past simple + Would + Main verb 
3rd Conditionals If  + Past Perfect + would have + Verb Past Participle

1st Conditionals 

Structure: If + Present simple + Future simple

Example: If I have enough time, I will come and see you

  • Instead of will in the main clause, we can use Modal verbs (can/could/should/may/might/must), had better and imperatives. 


If you work hard, you may succeed in life 

If you want to pass, you had better study hard

If you need anything, just ask me

  • Instead of present simple, we can also use can or should in the if-clause.

Example:  If I can finish my work early, I will give him the news myself

2nd Conditionals 

Structure: If+ past simple + would + main verb

  • If clause Main clause

Example: If I knew her name, I would tell you

  • Instead of would in the main clause, we can use should/could/might. 


If I knew her name, I should tell you

If I had their address, I could write and ask them 

  • Instead of Past simple,  we can also use past continuous tense in the if-clause if it’s necessary.

Example: If you were playing well, you would win the match

  • To emphasize the improbability, we tend to use ‘were’ instead of ‘was’ after ‘I’

Example: If I were a king, I would help the poor

3rd Conditionals 

Structure: If+ Past Perfect + Would have + Verb past participle

Example: If I had heard of your success, I would have been glad

  • Instead of would have in the main clause, we can use could/might+ have+ verb past participle or would+ verb simple present 


If I had heard of your success, I could have been glad

If I had worked hard in my youth, I would not suffer now

  • Instead of past perfect, we can also use Past perfect continuous tense in the if-clause; the rest will remain the same 

Example: If she hadn’t been standing here, I would have finished my meal