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A Sentence is a set or combination of words that expresses a complete sense or meaning. (এক বা একাধিক শব্দ সমষ্টিবদ্ধ ভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয়ে যদি মনের ভাব প্রকাশ করে তাহলে তাকে Sentence বলে)

Example: He has gone there. 

The basic formula of a sentence

Singular subject + Singular verb (with s/es)

Example: The owner of the restaurant always rants about his employees.

Plural subject + Plural verb (without s/es)

Example: The employees have made an arrangement for the customers.

একটি বাক্য গঠনের জন্য subject এবং finite verb সমৃদ্ধ একটি principle clause প্রয়োজন। 


He wants to do the work    

Or, I want to go there 

  • Finite verbs are Changeable
  • to do/ to go/ to finish- these are non-finite verbs; Unchangeable

A sentence has two parts:

  1. Subject (The person or thing about which something is said in the sentence- যার সম্বন্ধে বা যাকে উদ্দেশ্য করে কিছু বলা হয়)
  2. Predicate (What is said about the subject in a sentence– বাক্যের যে অংশে subject সম্পর্কে কিছু বলা হয়)

Subject & Predicate

  • In a sentence, the Subject always comes first, and it is made based on its Noun and Pronoun. 
  • The Predicate, on the other hand, is made based on the Verb of a sentence. It can be a single word or a number of words too.

Example: Brazil has won the world cup. 

                 Sub            Predicate 

Kinds of sentences – part 1 

  1. Assertive 
  2. Interrogative 
  3. Imperative 
  4. Optative 
  5. Exclamatory 

1. Assertive Sentence 

A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called an Assertive sentence. It is also called “Declarative sentence”

Example: He speaks English very well.

There are two types of assertive sentences. 

  • Affirmative: Conveys the validity or truth of a basic assertion.

            Example: I do have a car/ He knows it well/ We have a good neighborhood.

  • Negative: It is formed by placing auxiliary verbs(am/is/are/was/were/shall/should/could etc.) +not– before the main verb to express something false.

Example: Ex. I do not have a car/ He does not know it well/ We do not have a good neighborhood.                                    

2. Interrogative Sentence

A sentence that generally asks questions is called an Interrogative sentence.

Example: Who are you talking to? Or Is he home?

  • Interrogative sentences start with the auxiliary verbs (to-be verbs)
  • Or, Wh-words/ Relative pronouns (who/ when/whom etc.)

3. Imperative Sentence

It is a kind of sentence that gives orders, commands, or advice and expresses proposals, or requests in order to make a statement.


Leave the place at once/Always speak the truth etc.

  • Imperative sentences can be negative too.
  • As a subject, the second person “YOU” stays invisible.

4. Optative Sentence

A type of sentence that expresses a wish, desire, prayer or curse is called an Optative sentence

Example: May God bless you/ Long live our president/ I hope you do well.

  • Basically starts with “May” but sometimes “May” stays hidden. Simple structure – May/ Wish/ Hope+ Assertive

5. Exclamatory Sentence

An exclamatory sentence declares a simple statement but also conveys strong emotion or excitement and always ends with an exclamation (!) mark.

Example: How peaceful the scenario is! or, If I had so much money!

  • Starts with What or How: sometimes with “Had”
  • Bravo, Alas, Hurrah, Oh, etc. – can also be used to begin the sentence

Kinds of Sentence- Part 2

  1. Simple 
  2. Complex &
  3. Compound 

1. Simple Sentence

A sentence that has only one (principal) clause, is known as a simple sentence.

  • 1 subject + 1 finite verb = Simple sentence

Example: Kamal wants to read this book

2. Complex Sentence

A sentence that has only one principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses is known as a complex sentence.

  • P. Clause+Sub-ord clause
  • Sub-ord clause + P. Clause


  1. Clause+ Sub-ord clause = I believe that he is honest.
  2. Sub-ord clause + P. Clause = Although he is poor, he is honest.

3. Compound Sentence

A sentence having more than one principal clause connected by one, or more coordinating conjunctions is called a Compound sentence. Coordinating conjunctions are- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so.

  • principal clause+ coordinating conjunction+ principal clause


You must give up smoking or you will suffer.

He worked hard but failed.